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Thursday 16 May 2013

You can have clear, beautiful skin

The problem with pimples, blackheads and other skin blemishes is that they keep coming back! Or they just won't go away!

For the best results, I'd use a two pronged approach: internal and external.

Tea tree oil is excellent for getting rid of acne and other blemishes topically. This can get rid of those little buggers quite effectively in a few days. (Sorry, they won't clear up overnight.)

But the problem is that pimples can show up at the worst times. Like before a date, or a party, or some other important occasion. So you'll want to make sure they NEVER show up. You can't always do that topically.

So it's important to realize that acne comes from the gut. The acne will often keep coming back until that is addressed.

Typically the problem was created by antibiotics. Even antibiotics that were taken decades earlier when you were a toddler can put zits on your face today. So it's not your fault. :-)

Please stick with me on this 'cuz if you understand the nitty gritty, you'll always know how to keep those bumps from showing up uninvited.

The antibiotics kill the friendly bacteria in our digestive tract which allows yeast to grow. When the yeast flourishes, it grows roots, poking holes in your intestinal wall.

This enables food particles to pass through partially undigested. That freaks out your immune system. Acne is merely your body's attempt to get rid of the slurry.

So here's what I would do. I'd take a combination of olive leaf extract, and caprylic acid - one of each, each day - to get the yeast under control. Those two products are great at wiping out the offending yeast. You can get both of those from any health food store.

Because the yeast has roots, it won't budge no matter how much acidophilus you take. That means the yeast must be disposed of.

I know you've been told that pimples are caused by bacteria not yeast. But if those people were so smart, they'd have told you an effective way to rid yourself of the problem. But you've still got the little buggers, so maybe they didn't have the whole picture, if you know what I mean.

Yeast and friendly bacteria compete for space in your tummy just like plants compete for space in the forest. By replenishing yourself with lots of friendly bacteria, it makes it harder for the yeast to make a comeback.

You'll want to give your gut an abundance of friendly bacteria not with a cheap acidophilus or yogurt...they won't work very well if at all... but with one that contains several different strains of friendly bacteria, such as PB-8 or Primal Defense. Again, you can get either of those from any health food store. I would follow the instructions on the bottle depending which one was using.

As an added plus, the combo or yeast elimination and friendly bacteria helps to flatten the tummy and cut down on food cravings - like cravings for greasy french fries LOL!

The holes made by the yeast also needs to be repaired. I've found the amino acid called glutamine to be effective. In two months or less, the holes seem to be patched up when 5 grams are taken twice a day in a glass of water.

A product called IntestiNew can be used in place of the glutamine. It works even better than glutamine by itself. It costs more than Glutamine but you might only need one month of it, so it might end up costing less. I would use the powdered IntestiNew and not the one that comes in capsules. I would follow the instructions on the container for dosing if it were me.

Sometimes those with acne also suffer from bloating when they eat. For that I'd take a good multi-enzyme to help the digestive tract get back on track.

All those things can be obtained at any health food store. Good luck!

The best to you and to your skin.

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